TryHackMe | Jack-of-All-Trades
Jack is a man of a great many talents. The zoo has employed him to capture the penguins due to his years of penguin-wrangling experience, but all is not as it seems…
We must stop him! Can you see through his facade of a forgetful old toy-maker and bring this lunatic down?
nmap -A -vv
22/tcp open http syn-ack Apache httpd 2.4.10 ((Debian))
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)
|_http-title: Jack-of-all-trades!
|_ssh-hostkey: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
80/tcp open ssh syn-ack OpenSSH 6.7p1 Debian 5 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 1024 13:b7:f0:a1:14:e2:d3:25:40:ff:4b:94:60:c5:00:3d (DSA)
| ssh-dss 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
| 2048 91:0c:d6:43:d9:40:c3:88:b1:be:35:0b:bc:b9:90:88 (RSA)
| ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDbCwl2kyYWpv1DPDF0xQ5szNR1muMph6gJMJFw9VubKkSvHMWfg7CaCNcyo1QR5dg9buIygIGab8e9aigJdjQUY4XeBejwGe+vAA8RtPMoiLclR6g5qAqVQSeZ2FBzMrmkyKIgsSDb8tP+czpzn/Gp1HzDtiYUvleTvO2xEZ3k2Xz8YDvPlkV4zAIPzZSSZ8BABPYsBrePIwMpr/ZjeeiE59DlkUIv8x8M0z9KOls9zaeqFsbWrfMZzFgtPP+KILN6GrGijxgcGq5mDwvr67oHL3T3FtpReE+UZ/CafmzO/2Ls8XstmUiNeMaNBYtc6703/84bpL0uLp/pkILS8eqX
| 256 a3:fb:09:fb:50:80:71:8f:93:1f:8d:43:97:1e:dc:ab (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBO4p2E6NglzDeP40tJ42LjWaVrOcINmy42cspAv8DSzGD0K+V3El/tyGBxCJlMMR7wbN0968CQl61x0AkkAHLFk=
| 256 65:21:e7:4e:7c:5a:e7:bc:c6:ff:68:ca:f1:cb:75:e3 (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC6jYsDJq1mWTDx7D+p3mMbqXhu9OhhW2p1ickLCdZ9E
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
As you can see by the nmap scan the port 22 is a web server.
How to allow a restricted port?
Nice ! It worked, let’s see if there is some hidden directory 😊
➜ TryHackMe gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
On source code of the homepage you can see there is some hidden message and a assets called “assets/stego.jpg” let’s download the image and decode the message shall we ?
Remember to wish Johny Graves well with his crypto jobhunting!
His encoding systems are amazing! Also gotta remember your password: u?WtKSraq
Well, let’s try the other images 😞
Username: jackinthebox
Password: TplFxiSHjY
Great ! we found some credentials let’s find the cms 🤨
Ok ! I found it, to find the cms you need to go to the homepage and see the source code of the page.
Let’s decode the hidden message 😊
Remember that the credentials to the recovery login are hidden on the homepage!
I know how forgetful you are, so here's a hint:
This is just a hint, but we already have the credentials let’s use it.
Ok, this is some basic RCE let’s use the variable “?cmd”
Let’s see if thre is something on the /home path
Let’s crack the password of the ssh user ‘jack’ with the given wordlist, we will use hydra.
➜ TryHackMe hydra -l jack -P jack_wordlist.txt -s 80 ssh
#1 User Flag
jack@jack-of-all-trades:~$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
#2 Root Flag